GA4: Find Previous Page Path in Google Analytics

Things have definitely moved around and look different in the UI for GA4 (Google Analytics v4) vs UA (Universal Analytics). If you’re looking how to find pages that link to a particular page (previous page path), then you need to use Path Exploration.

Explore > Path Exploration

If you see an existing path exploration, click “Start Over”. Then, click “Ending Point” and choose an option. I prefer to choose “Page path and screen class” since page paths are easy and unique to get.

You can then choose one of the available paths or click the magnifying glass to type in a path, e.g. /resources/.

You will then see how often people click on a link on a page that takes them to your ending point (page) within a particular time range.

In the Variables section on the left, you can change the date range and other variables.