Web Designer Interview Questions

  1. From a web design point of view, what do you think of  
    1. Are you currently employed? If so, why are you looking for another job? 
    1. What have been your key responsibilities as a web designer? 
    1. Describe your experience designing websites. 
    1. How familiar are you with HTML and CSS? 
    1. Do you have a portfolio of web designs? 
    1. Have you created any websites yourself, whether from scratch or from WYSIWYG tools like Webflow? 
    1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most proficient, rate your proficiency in Photoshop. 
    1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most proficient, rate your proficiency in Figma. 
    1. Do you have a portfolio of websites you’ve designed? 
    1. Do you use a grid system when you create designs? 
    1. What is a responsive web design? 
    1. Are you familiar with website breakpoints? 
    1. What are some bad examples of web design? 
    • An outdated or inadequate web design. 
    • Poor website navigation. 
    • Convoluted or unclear user journeys. 
    • Excessive use of images, icons, colors, and textures. 
    • Poor quality images. 
    • Mobile optimization is not available. 
              1. What’s the web design project you’re most proud of? 
              1. Describe your end-to-end process when working on a web design task. 
              1. Have you ever been involved in a complete website redesign project? 
              1. Describe what UX is and why it is important. 
              1. Describe your experience with website animation. 
              1. Do you have experience designing icons from scratch or editing existing icons or do you rely solely on a library of premade icons? 
              1. Do you have experience creating vector images from scratch, e.g. using Adobe Illustrator? 
              1. Have you created any animations using Adobe AfterEffects? 
              1. When designing for web, have you leveraged any website component libraries like Tailwind UI and Flowbite? 
              1. A common workflow we have is to take a Word document containing web page content and turn it into a web design in Figma. Is this something you can do? 
              1. Unlike print designs, websites are living documents, meaning that the content, whether text or images, often changes. As such web designs need to be versatile to accommodate such changes. For example, if a design calls for a box containing paragraph with 5 lines of text, e.g. a customer quote, that same design may not look good the customer was replaced with one spanning 10 lines of text. Do you have experience facing such web designs issues? 
              1. Have you worked with any website templates before? 
              1. Describe your level of passion for web design. 
              1. How do you keep abreast of web design trends, e.g. do you follow certain groups, attend conferences, read certain blogs, etc? 
              1. The marketing department at Qualys is very fast-paced with many last-minute requests. Do you have experience in and would you be comfortable in such an environment? 
              1. Do you have experience designing marketing websites and/or landing pages to drive signups? 
              1. Do you have experience designing websites with SEO in mind?  
              1. Qualys is a multi-national company with offices around the world. Sometimes, you may need to work outside of normal business hours. Is that okay for you or do you have a strict 9-5 schedule? 
              1. Where do you go for design inspiration? 
              1. Are there certain websites that you particularly like the design of, e.g. apple.com, yahoo.com, etc? 
              1. Please take 15 mins to make a list of design choices you like and dislike on www.qualys.com and explain why.
              1. Describe a web design project you worked on that didn’t go as planned. What could you have done better? 
              1. Do you have experience with ADA compliance as it pertains to web design, e.g. 
              • Color contrast 
              • Accessibility of web forms 
              • Etc  
                  1. What tools do you use the most when designing? 
                  1. Some designs are full-width. How do you handle such designs if a user’s monitor is very wide? 
                  1. When designing for web, do you prefer to start with a mobile design (mobile-first design) or a desktop design?