Javascript Callbacks and Functions

A callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is executed after its parent function has completed. The special thing about a callback is that functions that appear after the “parent” can execute before the callback executes. Another important thing to know is how to properly pass the callback. This is where I have often forgotten the proper syntax.

Callback without arguments

For a callback with no arguments you pass it like this:

[cc lang=”javascript”]
$.get(‘myhtmlpage.html’, myCallBack);

Note that the second parameter here is simply the function name (but not as a string and without parentheses). Functions in Javascript are ‘First class citizens’ and so can be passed around like variable references and executed at a later time.

Callback with arguments

“What do you do if you have arguments that you want to pass?”, you might ask yourself.


The Wrong Way (will not work!)

[cc lang=”javascript”]
$.get(‘myhtmlpage.html’, myCallBack(‘foo’, ‘bar’));

This will not work because it calls

[cc lang=”javascript”]
myCallBack(‘foo’, ‘bar’)

and then passes the return value as the second parameter to $.get()


The problem with the above example is that myCallBack(‘foo’, ‘bar’) is evaluated before being passed as a function. Javascript and by extension jQuery expects a function pointer in cases like these. I.E. setTimeout function.

In the below usage, an anonymous function is created (just a block of statements) and is registered as the callback function. Note the use of ‘function(){‘. The anonymous function does exactly one thing: calls myCallBack, with the values of ‘foo’ and ‘bar’.

[cc lang=”javascript”]
$.get(‘myhtmlpage.html’, function(){
myCallBack(‘foo’, ‘bar’);

myCallBack is invoked when the ‘$.get’ is done getting the page.