Losing Weight By Counting Calories

No matter what you eat or how much you exercise, the formula for losing weight is very simple. Burn more calories per day than you consume.

Calorie Calculator

You can calculate how many calories you burn per day based on different types of activities.


To be safe, you can calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR) which is how many calories you burn doing absolutely nothing and just doing the bare minimum to live (breathe, etc).

For me, my BMR is 1818 calories / day.

Weight loss facts
  • You should not lose more than 2 lbs / week.
  • 1 pound (~0.45 kg) of fat = 3500 calories
  • To achieve a 2 lb weight loss per week, you’d need to lose 1000 calories per day.
Nutrition data

You can find nutrition facts for a wide variety of food at https://www.nutritionix.com

Example calorie calculation
  • Breakfast:
    • Banana Nut Crunch Cereal: 1 cup – 230 calories
    • 2% Reduced Fat Milk: 1 cup – 130 calories
      • Subtotal = 360 calories
  • Lunch: 
    • Something: 177 calories
  • Dinner:
    • Roasted tomatoes: 4 – 88 calories
    • Roasted creamer potatoes: 1 cup – 180 calories
    • Roasted broccoli: 1 spear – 13 calories
      • Subtotal = 281 calories

Total daily calorie consumption: 818
BMR: 1818
Net daily calorie gain/loss: 818-1818 = -1000 calories (-1/3 lb)

Additional Information